What is SSL Certificate?

SSL certificate stands for Secure Sockets Layer that are digital certificates which secure and transmits all data via a secure connection. Through SSL certificates, you can see padlock sign before website URL and a site seal at the website/webpage. In the browser, you can see the business name in green text if EV SSL certificate is used by the website. SSL certificates are now used by millions of e-commerce businesses in order to secure online transactions, data security and improve customer’s trust.  

What is the Importance of SSL Certificate?

With the kind of speed the internet is growing, there are significant global business opportunities budding up in the online commerce. However, as discussed above this growth has also pulled fraudsters and hackers. Thus to put a full stop to these attacks and secure your business from cyber criminals, SSL certificate is capitalized. The prime importance of the SSL certificate is that it keeps information safe while transferring it between browsers and servers. When you use an SSL certificate the information becomes indecipherable to everyone except the ones who are sending from the browser to the server. This eventually, protects your data from hackers and identity thieves.  

What is an EV (Extended Validation) SSL Certificate?

  Extended Validation – EV SSL certificates are the robust SSL certificates that follow a rigorous verification process to issue the SSL certificate. These are the best SSL certificates as they are highly secure for website’s  information transferred between the web server and the browser as well as help in identifying a Website’s organizational identity. To quote an example, if you are using Internet Explorer, Firefox or Opera, then address bar in the browser will display organization/business name in the green text by displaying a padlock sign before it as a trust seal.  

Why is EV SSL the Best Choice for E-Commerce Business?

E-commerce technology is rapidly changing and growing and has seen a huge growth in past a decade. The number of online shoppers and internet users are increasing day by day. A lot of people choose to shop online but, they remain bound to share their sensitive information on websites which are not using any security solution to keep their information secure. As with hacking, people’s awareness about internet security is also increasing.  In this case, securing E-commerce website with Extended Validation SSL  Certificate is very crucial for website security and data encryption. When Extended Validation Certificate is installed on your website, the users that are using browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Opera will get to see a green text for the business name in the browser. This is the indication of your website being secured with the higher level of SSL certificate. Moreover, EV SSL certificate enables secure and encrypted connections to the visitors and users so that they can easily transfer their sensitive information over the web. These certificates are technologically advanced that permits customers to verify the identity of the website.  

Which Information EV SSL Certificate will Display?

EV (Extended Validation) SSL Certificate provides the business name in the green text, green padlock and a site seal for domain name/website, on which it is installed. Along with this it also displays HTTPS before the URL of the website, this, in turn, builds customer/user’s online trust and confidence for the website/business. EV SSL identifies and confirms the company’s information which consists of the domain name, company name, the registration number of the business and the business address. All this information displayed on the EV SSL certificate makes business safe to use and legitimate as it is verified by trusted certificate authority – CA.  

How will it Build Customer’s Confidence on the Website?

Several SSL service providers that offer strong encryption between the server and the browser offer these EV SSL certificates. But if they are issued and verified by the certifying authority – CA then only they become legitimate and safe to use. But if everything falls into place then the customer can see the business name, HTTPS, green padlock in the address bar that helps to gain the confidence of the customers while entering information on the website/webpage.  

How is EV SSL Different from Other SSL Certificates?

  SSL certificates have three variants that depend on the type of validation they offer. They are – Domain Validation, Organizational Validation, and Extended Validation. Apparently, there is another question that arises here is why only EV SSL and not others and what is the difference. Let’s see : A Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificate offers a basic level of validation and can be issued in just a few minutes. A certificate authority (CA) that verifies the domain’s ownership through email to issue SSL certificate. After installing, it shows HTTPS with a padlock that assures customers that they are being in safe hands and their privacy is protected. They offer 256-bit Encryption, quick issuance time, free site seal etc. An Organization Validation (OV) SSL certificate is considered to be suitable SSL certificate for medium to large size business. This is because it offers higher validation as compared with DV certificate and displays domain name, organization name on the certificate. The encryption offered is up to 256-bit that enhances user’s confidence in the website they are transacting on. On the other hand, for the issuance of EV SSL certificate, you need to submit quite a lot of documents to the certificate authority as per their need and requirement. This stringent verification process ensures strong encryption with a green padlock sign in the address bar ensuring protection against hackers.  

Which General Features Comes with EV SSL Certificate?

Higher level of authenticationSHA- 2 Algorithm Support256-bit encryption and 2048 bit Root KeysUnlimited server licensesGreen padlock, https and green text for business in Address BarVerified by trusted certificate authorityCompatible with all the latest browsers and mobile devicesFree trust site seal is provided


How Much Time does it Require to get EV SSL Certificate?

As the verification process of the EV SSL certificates is very rigorous, it takes 3 to 7 business days to buy EV SSL certificate.  

Where to Get EV SSL Certificates?

There are several trusted brands and service providers in the market that offer EV (Extended Validation) SSL certificates. You can get the good discounted price as well when you purchase them from trusted SSL reseller like ClickSSL offers affordable  EV SSL certificates.