Google is a pretty nice guy, right? I mean he has helped us in our homework and even works. But even some nice guys have a few pesky flaws. Thankfully Google is an open-minded guy and doesn’t really bother if we turn some of his personality traits of.  This is what I like about Google, while other guys like Apple are closed and restrictive; Google is free and easy to work with. However, sometimes Google can be a little too helpful. The Auto Android Backup option on Google Plus is a welcome thing if you don’t use another cloud storage app. But like me, if you are already using Dropbox or some other data storage service, then auto backup on Google Plus can be a hassle. I want to save my pictures and videos but I don’t want to save them in two places. Due to arising privacy concerns it is somewhat better to turn off auto backup on Google Plus. If you purchase a new Android device, chances are the Google+ app will be pre-installed on it. Google+ auto backup will start churning as soon as you log in and launch the app for the first time. This tiny guide will guide you through the easy process of turning Auto backup off on Google Plus.

Steps to Turn Off Auto Backup

Step 1: Locate the App

First off you will need to see where the Google Plus app is. I usually use the search function and quickly locate the app. Here is a screenshot of the app icon; this is not the default one though. But I’m sure yours will look roughly the same. Once located simply tap on the icon to launch the Google Plus app.

Step 2: Avoid If You Can

If this is the first time you are launching the app. It will ask you if you want to backup photos and videos or not. All you need to do is simply say no thanks and close the app. You will be done in the matter of seconds.

Step 3: Check It Out

What if you don’t see that welcome screen and you feel if the Google Plus auto backup is still on? No worries you can check from the photo tab if any of the latest photos you took can be seen or not. Kindly keep in mind that the “All” tab will show all of the photos including those saved on the device itself. I think that Google Plus should mind its business and not show those photos at all. I once deleted a couple of photos thinking they were uploaded to the cloud. Check the highlights and you will know if the app is backing up photos and videos or not.

Step 4: Kill It Off Now

Now if there are latest photos visible, there is high possibility that the app is backing up data. Now simply click on the three dots located on top right corner of the app. Select settings from the drop down menu. You will see Auto Backup options right at the front. This means Google knows that people will want to turn that option off, see Google is a good guy at heart. Simply tap on the blue slider-button located on the top right corner of the screen and the Auto Backup on Google Plus will turn off. The app will remind you that when you turn the option on again, all of the photos on the device will be uploaded.


I hope this nifty little guide on how to turn off auto backup on Google Plus will help you in turning off the unwanted backup option. Sometimes we don’t want to upload our personal pictures on the internet at all and sometimes we can’t bother uploading them two times. However strong Google’s defenses are it is always better to keep personal data safe and secure. If you have any kind of question or have run into a problem, feel free to ask and I will respond in a timely manner.

How to Turn Off Auto Backup on Google Plus   JoyofAndroid - 9How to Turn Off Auto Backup on Google Plus   JoyofAndroid - 16How to Turn Off Auto Backup on Google Plus   JoyofAndroid - 6How to Turn Off Auto Backup on Google Plus   JoyofAndroid - 48How to Turn Off Auto Backup on Google Plus   JoyofAndroid - 46How to Turn Off Auto Backup on Google Plus   JoyofAndroid - 86How to Turn Off Auto Backup on Google Plus   JoyofAndroid - 17How to Turn Off Auto Backup on Google Plus   JoyofAndroid - 5