Your friends have planned to hike to a nearby hill. You pack up your hiking essentials and get your navigation app installed while waiting for your friends to arrive. You catch them up in your backyard and you are all set to go. Through your friend’s smartphone lens, you capture amazing memories of your friends having a great time together. After an enjoyable day out, you reach home and WhatsApp the shutterbug to share the cool snapshots of the adventurous outing. But all you receive are hundreds of pixelated photos. Honestly:  You would go frenzy. If not for this, then imagine your solo pics so pixelated that you cannot show them to anyone at home or anyone not worthy of a WhatsApp status or an IG story. Only the coolest of minds could still stay calm.  And this scenario is not uncommon. How often do you have high expectations from the sophomaniac “photographer” in the group but you are left totally disappointed? Quite often if I’m not wrong! And let me tell you, you are NOT alone! Also read: How to transfer WhatsApp data from Android to iPhone WhatsApp private messages are not as private as you think

Why does WhatsApp reduce media quality?

Fairly speaking, it’s not the snapper’s gaffe. WhatsApp, Telegram, and other texting channels don’t take care of the quality of media shared on the platforms. Rather, the media files are compressed by the server for quick uploading and downloading of media files and lesser bandwidth requirement for the file transfer. While sending files through email is a good option, it has a cap on the file size you can send in each mail. For example, you can send attachments of size up to 25MB on Gmail. If the file size is greater than 25MB, Gmail sends it as a Google Drive link rather than a file.  This brings us to the question: How to transfer media files on WhatsApp without losing quality? And I’m here to answer just this. Read on and share the article with your friends who needs to know this!

Transfer files on WhatsApp without compromising quality

In this article, I’ll list down an easy method to send media files on WhatsApp without compression or loss in quality. 

How to send photos as attachments

To send photos as attachments, try the following steps: 2. Tap on the Attachment button in the ‘Type a message’ field 3. Next, tap on Document. 4. WhatsApp will show all the documents on your phone. Tap on ‘Browse other docs…’ option.  5. It will open the Documents on your phone. Tap on ‘Images‘ under ‘Open from’ to select images, and ‘Videos‘ to select the video files.  6. From Images, choose the folder containing the photos you want to share. To share camera pictures, tap on the ‘Camera’ folder. 7. To choose multiple media files, tap and hold the first file until a check button appears. Thereafter, tap the other files you want to share.  Note: You can send files up to 64MB at once on WhatsApp. 8. Next, tap ‘Select’. 9. Finally, hit the ‘Send’ button to share the media files as documents. The images will be shared as jpg image attachments while the videos will be shared as MP4 attachments.  You’ll notice that the shared media is sent without any loss in quality as the original file. To confirm, ask the recipient to check the file properties on their device and compare them with the original file’s dimensions and resolution.  It was easy, wasn’t it? With just a little bit of extra effort of fetching the files from Drive and sending them as documents, you can avoid somebody’s frustration and a potential spat between you two (haha). Suggested reads: 5 Lesser-Known Tips, Tricks, And Hacks For WhatsApp Beware!!! A WhatsApp text bomb crashes the app and hangs your phone

WhatsApp file transfer made easy!

You may be just so used to sending and receiving low-quality media files. Better late than never–you now know how to send media files on WhatsApp without losing quality. Knew it already? Do share this article with that friend who always sends you shabby images! I hope this article brought some value to your Android usage. See you next time with yet another interesting article on Android how-to. Until then, cheers and take care! Image credits:Featured image by Alfredo Rivera from PixabayImage 1 Latest posts:

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