Personally, I think it’s a bad idea to allow children to complete access to smartphones until a certain age. But these days it’s becoming harder and harder to do so because smartphones and technology are such an integral part of our day-to-day lives. These child-safe messaging apps try to provide a significantly safer messaging experience for your children but they are not perfect by any means. To be fair, it is extremely hard to make a kid-safe messaging app altogether. Note: The child-safe messaging apps on Android were tested on a Sony Xperia Z smartphone. They all worked fine and no problems were faced during the testing. You might need an active Internet connection to access some of the features of these apps.
1. Kids Shell
These were a few kid safe messaging apps for Android. I know, the list is quite small and frankly I expected a lot more apps to be available on the Play Store but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. However, the second app alone is worth your time and will probably become your favorite child safe app for messaging. I would recommend this for kids above 10 years because they might not fancy the childish look of the apps above. One of the best things about using this app is the ability to time the usage; for example, if you only want your child to access the messaging app from 6 PM to 9, you can easily set it up. Free Version If you have any concerns or suggestions, feel free to talk to us in the comments. Feature Image Credits