There are some Android party games that are best played on a smartphone because you need mobility and some are best played on a tablet, so that viewing is easier for all players. However, if you just have one Android device, you can surely enjoy all games without having to worry about cleaning up afterwards. As Joy of Android is a responsible publication, we do not recommend drinking with these games. We are also quite realistic so, I’m going to assume that you are going to drink while playing party games for Android and its fine too. I won’t be talking about drinking in the article though, we all know you’ll have fun however you want. Note: The best party games for Android were tested on a Sony Xperia Z smartphone and an old 7 inch Asus tablet. The games ran fine on all devices and no problems were faced during testing.

1. Heads Up!


These were a few awesome Android party games that will surely keep you and your buddies entertained for multiple parties. I certainly had a good time testing those alone, so they must be amazing when played with friends (wipes a tear). Free Version

2. Who Can’t Draw – Party game!

Free Version

3. What am I?

Free Version

4. Would You Rather?

Free Version If you have questions, concerns or just have great suggestions, feel free to talk to us in the comments below. We will love to hear from you, until next time, keep on partying! Feature Image Credits

Best Party Games for Android - 67Best Party Games for Android - 27Best Party Games for Android - 82Best Party Games for Android - 31