Keyword Analysis

If you want more bookings for your hotel or serviced apartment in London to come through the internet, you cannot ignore the importance of keywords. Try to pick the trending keywords that most people are searching these days and focus on those. This will ultimately help in increasing your organic ranking.  

Check your Brand Value Online

With the help of a keyword tool, try to find out how many people are actually looking for your brand name while booking a hotel. If there are not many people, do not place the name of your hotel at the beginning of the title.  

H1 should have your targeted Keyword

Since H1 is one of the first things that any search engine looks for, you need to be special conscious about it. Make sure that the keyword is in the H1, preferably in the beginning. And, if you are not using the hotel name or apartment hotel name in the H1, you can use it in the meta title.  

Insert links to the relevant content or pages on your website within the content. This will make sure that the user does not have to visit any other page when it is on your website. However, do not stuff the content with too many irrelevant links otherwise your bounce rate will go high.

Check the Analytics from Time to Time

If you really want your business and website to grow, you need to keep a check on Google Analytics. This will give you an idea that which type of content is performing well for you and meet the requirements of your audience. You can work on the non-performing pages in a similar way and see your website on top in the search results.  

List your business on Google Places, Business etc.

For increasing the chances of Google ranking your website for London serviced apart hotel bookings, it will be beneficial that you get it listed on Google. In this way, it would instantly seem more authentic to the audience and Google than the unlisted ones.  

Make your Website Responsive and User-Friendly

You cannot afford to leave your website inactive even for a day if you want it to perform well. Make sure that some updations are done out almost every day along. Also, make your website user-friendly and mobile friendly. This would increase in the number of visits to your website and the people will start booking hotels.  

Reduce the Loading Time

A quick website is not just loved by the users but also by Google. Once the website begins loading faster than others, it will automatically become a better website for users making it rank high.  

Have a Blog Section on the Website

SEO largely depends on the type of content that is posted on the website. Since for booking hotels you cannot post much content, add a blog section on the website. This will give you a space to add stories or articles that can make a good use of keywords for your website. Thus, your website will start growing rapidly in terms of SEO and content simultaneously. SEO allows your hotel to improve traffic to your website leading to more revenue. Work on these SEO tips to improve SEO rankings of your hotel website.