Once a customer gets a good response in your store, there is a higher chance for that customer to come back and also refer your store to the peers. Hence, marketing trends like search engine marketing, chat box, Online product design studio , etc. are becoming increasingly popular. Following is a list of seven effective SEO marketing trends that will boost your e-commerce store. Have a look:

  1. Pay More Attention to User Generated Content

User-generated content like reviews, ratings and experience sharing etc. work great in winning the trust of your prospective customers. Encourage your customers to share their experiences and review the products that bought from your store. You can also offer shopping points in return of such reviews. Informative reviews that come with detail description, images or videos can help a lot in boosting your e-commerce store.  

2. Let your customers design their own products

Personalized gifts are very popular among people. People even love to buy customized items for their own selves. You can opt for Magento product designer extension to offer your e-commerce visitors the facility to design their own T-shirts. Marketing techniques like these will surely increase the conversion rates and boost your e-store.  

3. Try to provide a personalized customer experience

In the present market, there is no better method to give a genuine customer driven involvement than by personalizing it. personalization create a feeling of connection between the company and the customer, it influences more input. Personalization is an approach to ensure customer know they matter. By giving them relevant, helpful experiences that fit their needs, you move their faithfulness. Thus, Invest a little time and effort to make use of artificial intelligence to provide personalized customer experiences. When a prospective buyer views a product, showing other relevant products can also give a great boost to your business.  

4. Content Marketing

In the virtual, creating engaging and informative content is a great way to let the prospective customers know about your business. You can also seek professional help from a search engine marketing agency to plan the whole process. Putting up engaging content on your website, blog, social media pages and also on other advertisements can give a good boost in increasing the conversion rate of your e-commerce store.  

5. Chat Box for Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistants can assist in the running of your site. This can result in increased revenue. To be successful, you have to keep your customers happy. 24*7 virtual assistance is really helpful for visitors to make a purchase on your site. A live and active chat room to offer virtual assistance will surely make a difference in customer experience.  

6. Offer Better Mobile Experience

Using a mobile is a lot more content as compared to using a PC. People may visit your site on the go, at work or even while sipping a cup of coffee at a restaurant. In order to give a better and good experience to those visitors, it is important that your offer a good mobile experience as well.

As great mobile experience is one of the essential parts in providing customer satisfaction. In today’s world of advanced advertising and search engine optimization, having a mobile-friendly, site is an absolute necessity to give great customer experience.  

7. Explore Influencer Marketing

With the growing popularity of the internet, influencer marketing has turned out to be a really profitable and cost-effective way to boost your e-store. This type of marketing is unique since it offers requirements of the influencer rather than the customer. Organizations must give influencers respect and form open and organic relationships for the influencer to support a product. Approach influencers from various social networking sites like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc. and ask them to promote your store or products in exchange for money or free samples.  


With a little planning and focus on SEO marketing trends, you can generate good revenue from your e-store. Try the above-mentioned ways out and I am sure you will a good growth of your e-business.  

Author Bio

Isha Singh, an avid app developer is trying to take advantage of the technical knowledge she has to help people gain a foothold in the digitized world. Read her sharing her views on web and app development, the latest being Magento Extension development.