It’s almost always in the limelight and has a reputation for pushing technology boundaries time and time again. The following stats and facts will show how much the company has become a force to be reckoned with in the world of tech.

Key Microsoft Stats and Facts 2023

Microsoft Market Share Statistics 2023

Microsoft Users Statistics 2023

Microsoft Usage Stats 2023

Microsoft Bing Statistics

Microsoft Windows Usage Statistics

Microsoft Teams Usage Statistics

Microsoft Brand Loyalty Statistics 2023

Microsoft Software Stats 2023

Microsoft Revenue Statistics 2023

Interesting Facts About Microsoft

What percentage of the world uses Microsoft?

As of 2022, approximately 1.4 billion people and businesses use Microsoft services or products.

What percentage of the market does Microsoft have?

Microsoft has a 43% of the global operating systems market.

What percentage of Microsoft does Bill Gates own?

When Bill Gates stepped down from the Microsoft board, he owned around 1% of the company’s shares.

What percentage of large enterprises use Microsoft Office?

83% of enterprises use Microsoft Office.

What percentage of money does Microsoft make from software?

The main revenue sources are cloud services and server products (31% of revenue), Office services and products (24%), Windows (14%), and Gaming (9%).

What percentage of companies use Microsoft Access?

Microsoft Access is bundled into the Microsoft Office suite. Excel, Powerpoint, and Office are more popular, but Access still has an 11% market share.


Microsoft may have started out with the idea that it wanted to bring home computing to the masses, but it has become so much more since its launch in 1975. The user-friendly operating system is used by millions of people around the world, but a portfolio of amazing services and products has since been added. As you can see from the statistics, Microsoft can be considered a true American success story as it has been at or at least near the top of its industry for many years. The following sources were used when compiling these Microsoft stats:

Web Tribunal Wall Street Zen Business of Apps Earth Web Backlinko DMR Statista WP Oven Tom Talks Startup Bonsai Market US Beta News


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