Here are some mental health stats to show just how prevalent these disorders are around the world.

General Mental Health Stats and Facts 2023

Mental Health Statistics Worldwide 2023

Demographic Mental Health Statistics 2023

Mental Health Treatment Stats 2023

Mental Health Stats During COVID-19

What is the most common mental illness?

1 in 13 people around the world suffers from an anxiety disorder, making it the most common form of mental illness. There are several different types of anxiety disorder, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Social Phobia.

What age group has the highest rate of mental illness?

Young adults between the age of 18 and 25 have the highest rate of mental illness. 30.6% of people in this age group suffer from some type of mental illness. The prevalence of mental illness for people aged 26 to 49 is 25.3%, and 14.5% for people older than 50.

What percentage of children have mental health issues?

17.4% of children in the US have been diagnosed with a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder. The most common condition is ADHD (9.8%), followed by anxiety (9.4%), behavioral problems (8.9%), and depression (4.4%).


It’s time to change the way people think about mental health. By opening up the discussion, we can remove the stigma around mental illness and encourage those we love to get help and treatment when needed. Sources:

John Hopkins National Alliance of Mental Illness Mental Health Foundation Single Care Policy Advice World Health Organization Kaiser Family Foundation Mental Health First Aid


25  Important Mental Health Stats 2023  for Awareness  - 7025  Important Mental Health Stats 2023  for Awareness  - 9325  Important Mental Health Stats 2023  for Awareness  - 8125  Important Mental Health Stats 2023  for Awareness  - 8925  Important Mental Health Stats 2023  for Awareness  - 3425  Important Mental Health Stats 2023  for Awareness  - 74