The 9 inch Android tablets are nice because you get a small enough screen for holding it in your hands, but you don’t sacrifice on resolution or screen size. That said, I am always looking for the best Android tablets and size certainly comes into play during this search. So, I set my sights on the 9-inch Android tablet market to see which ones are the best on the market. I will say one thing: The 9-inch tablet market is not really saturated with as many companies as the other, more popular markets are. You won’t see names like Samsung or Dell with 9-inch markets, at least right now.

1. Dragon Touch A93: $69.99

The Dragon Touch A93 is the closest you can get to a Samsung tablet without shelling out the large amount of cash. Basically you receive a nice processor, with a relatively bright screen, and the high-performance GPU is nice for running 3D graphics The low power consumption is another plus, and the design is sleek and stylish so you don’t have to worry about it slipping out of your hands. Why should you buy it?

2. Astro Queo A912: $69.99

The Astro Queo A912 has a unique customer support team that always seems to be around to answer your questions. They are located in California and constantly strive to make their products better. The device is rather simple in design, but it comes with a powerful processor for playing around with all of your media. You can also watch your favorite movies with the stunning display and resolution. The battery life is a little low at 5 hours. Why should you buy it?

3. Alldaymall 9″ Inch Android 4.4 KitKat Tablet: $59.99

The Alldaymall tablet is all about keeping the power consumption low and the processing speeds high. You really can’t find many tablets out there that deliver both in the same device, but this guy manages to do it at a fairly reasonable price tag. The GPU is also a rather flawless features since you can always look at some 3D graphics. Why should you buy it?

4. Goldengulf Android Tablet: $98.50

The Goldengulf Android Tablet runs on the KitKat system, but the design is what really makes it stand out. Yes, it seems a little cheap and plastic-like, but they take some cheap materials and shape it into a sleek design. The touchscreen responds nicely, but the battery life is only four hours, which is abysmal in my opinion. Why should you buy it?

5. Dragon Touch N90: $69.99

The Dragon Touch N90 is what you might choose if you really don’t give a darn about design. The tablet fits well in your hand, but you can tell they didn’t put much work into making it look sleek and stylish. That said, it comes with acceptable processing power and some nice resolution for watching your movies and reading books. Why should you buy it?

6. Tagital Android Tablet: $74.99

The Tagital tablet works well if you plan on doing some work on your tablet, because it sells with an attachable keyboard. That’s my favorite part, but the design of the tablet is boring and the keyboard isn’t enough to justify the slightly higher price compared to other tablets on this list. That said, if you truly want a keyboard, go with this option, since it is better than buying a keyboard separately. It’s also somewhat heavy compared to the other options. Why should you buy it?

7. Contixo Kids Android Tablet: $88.50

The Contixo Kids Android Tablet comes into play if you plan on buying a tablet for the little kids out there. The fun design is the main reason I would buy this for one of my nieces, but the price isn’t too shabby either. You get some nice parental controls so you know what the kids are looking at, and it’s actually pretty sturdy for when they spill something on it or drop it on the floor. You can even load this thing up with some cool kids games. Why should you buy it?

8. iRulu X1s Android Tablet: $70.99

If you want amazing graphics, go for the iRulu X1s. The device is the opposite of nicely designed, but it gives you everything you need to sit back and enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows. Why should you buy it?


If you are looking for the best 9 inch Android tablets on the market, these are your top options. I personally like the Dragon Touch A93 because of the price and closeness in design to the Samsung products, but there are quite a few on this list that give you the functionality you need. Let us know in the comments section if you have any questions. What’s next? Checkout out 7 inch and 8 inch tablet guides.

10 Best 9 Inch Android Tablets for the Perfect Size   JoyofAndroid - 5910 Best 9 Inch Android Tablets for the Perfect Size   JoyofAndroid - 8810 Best 9 Inch Android Tablets for the Perfect Size   JoyofAndroid - 3610 Best 9 Inch Android Tablets for the Perfect Size   JoyofAndroid - 8910 Best 9 Inch Android Tablets for the Perfect Size   JoyofAndroid - 9310 Best 9 Inch Android Tablets for the Perfect Size   JoyofAndroid - 8610 Best 9 Inch Android Tablets for the Perfect Size   JoyofAndroid - 310 Best 9 Inch Android Tablets for the Perfect Size   JoyofAndroid - 45